LaMoure County Highpoint Trip Report
Date: March 31, 2002
Authors: Jobe Wymore, Pat Wymore, Julie Kawa
This is another one of those trip reports where getting to the HP area probably could have been done a lot
easier but this will do the job if you decide to follow this report.
On another note: If you enjoy "Hood and Sky" this is the one for you in ND!
From the Junction of ND281 and ND46 hit the odometer and head west for 13.8 miles until the intersection
with LaMoure County 66 is reached. Set the odometer once again and turn left (south) on 66. After going
2 miles you'll reach the small town of Alfred and the road curves a bit to the right and then quickly turns to
the left again on a paved, marked CO66. Follow the pavement that shortly turns to dirt. At mile 3 you'll
reach an intersection with a lesser dirt road to the right. Turn onto this lesser dirt road and follow it west as
it passes a white house and gains a tiny bit of elevation. You'll pass a communications tower at mile 3.7 and
at mile 4 reach an intersection with a good dirt road. Hang a left, heading south for a couple of miles until a
lesser dirt road appears on your right heading up steeply to the top of obvious high area. This little road has
barbed wire fence along both sides of it and isn't posted.
We looked up the road and noticed that a bit higher got a little steeper. It didn't help matters any noticing
that it had at least 1 1/2 feet of snow on it. Nonetheless, we headed up the road, finally being turned back
close to the top when the rental nearly slid off into the fence. We admitted defeat and got out to walk the
last 50 vertical feet.
The high point is just off the right (north) side of the road and you have to crawl under the barbed wire fence
to reach it. Decent HP.