Cherry County High Point Trip Report
Date: May 18, 2001
Author: Bob Packard
I used John Mitchler's fine write-up, but my experience was somewhat different. Called up Winnie Roby
from Jeroin's Café in Ashby to ask permission. She didn't know what I was talking about. I turned in on the
sandy two-track west which Mitchler mentions. For me it went like this.
In 0.3 a cattle guard, in 0.5 road to left, I stayed straight.
In 1.2 set of buildings and windmill on right, in 1.4 a gate, in 2.5 road to left, I stayed straight.
Confusing area, no clear tracks. At 3.3 gate with lakes on right.
At 3.8 windmill on W end of lake on right. At 4.3 I was trapped by fences, but could see my objective, the
serrated ridge indicating the multiple areas on top of Bald Hill.
Hiked up passing windmill and tub on the right. Went to Hazel BM only. There is no question that it is far
and away the highest of the 5 areas. I never went to the Keller Ranch site and I had only 2 gates!
Trip statistics: hours, miles, elevation gain in feet = (1.25, 2, 350).