Clay County High Point Trip Report
Date: July 11, 2001
Author: Bob Schwab
From exit 312 on Interstate 80, go south on US 34/281 toward Hastings for about 8 miles to an intersection
just south of the small hamlet of Hansen. Turn left (east) on S1D and drive 6 miles east to the town of
Trumbull on a paved road. Do not turn off this road but continue going directly east as you skirt the
northern edge of town. Proceed another 0.7 mile. The pavement will end and you will cross a railroad track
and eventually arrive at an unsigned intersection. Turn left (north) and drive 0.6 mile (crossing railroad
tracks) to a prominent bump in the field to your left. Pull off the road into a field-access niche, and walk out
into the bean field (40.692383 deg N, 98.260833 deg W).