Douglas County High Point Trip Report
four areas (1,320+ ft)
Date: May 14, 2003
Authors: Bob Martin and Art Tauchen
Actually there are just 3 areas, as the one east of the airport runway has been bulldozed away.
Someone lives on each of the remaining 3 areas.
Drive to the North Omaha Airport, which is just north of NE36 between I680 and NE133. It is not a busy airport.
Drive north on the road west of the airport buildings to a parking area west of an office building.
Find the airport manager, who lives on the airport property, to get permission to walk around the high area,
which includes most of the airport runway. He said we were welcome to walk around, just watch out for planes.
We didn't see any. We thought the high point of the large area was north of the concrete runway.
For the northern area, drive a mile north, a half mile west, and a half mile north. The residence west of the
road is on the hp area. The lady there was interested to know she lived on a hp area and said we were
welcome to walk around the yard.
For the third area, drive back south a half mile, turn right, and drive up the curving driveway of the residence
of Dr. Oxford. The hp is in the yard there. Dr. Oxford is a traveling physician.
He had treated Art in Falls City recently.