Fillmore County High Point Trip Report
Date: July 11, 2001
Author: Bob Schwab
From the town of Sutton, Nebraska, go east on US 6 to the county line and turn right (south) on Road 1.
Proceed about 3.75 miles to an intersection with Road J and look for a place to park along the side of the road.
The spot elevation 1,749 ft is right in the middle of the intersection of Road 1 and Road J. This area
extends to the northeast and southeast and encompasses an abandoned farm. After walking this area
extensively, I could not detect a spot higher than the intersection. Don't become confused by anything to the
west, since Road 1 is the county line.
A second spot exists just 0.2 mile to the north and east of Road 1 and surrounds the house and outbuildings
owned by Mervin Baumann. There are renters occupying the house, but I met Mr Baumann out in his barn.
He was very surprised when I gave him a topo map that showed his property might be the highest in the
county. After hand-level and back sighting checks, both he and I agreed that the intersection to the south
appeared to be higher than his property. For many years he had been under the impression that the county
high point was located several miles to the south.