Franklin County Highpoint Trip Report
two areas on Wilcox Quad - Sections 6/8 (2,280+ ft)
Date: September 23, 2006
Author: Bill Schuler
To approach from the north, see the Kearney County report.
To approach from the South, begin in Alma, NE at US 183 and zero odometer.
0.0 Go north on US 183.
14.0 NE 4 junction - turn right (east) on NE 4.
25.3 NE 44 junction - turn left (north) on NE 44.
28.3 X Road junction - turn right (east) on dirt X Road.
28.6 Two blue silos and a ranch house on the left. Park. Get permission to
hike 0.36 mile due south through a wheat field for area #1 - Return to NE 44.
28.8 NE 44 - turn right (north).
29.8 "A" Road junction - turn left on "A" road which is just past the north
county line - dirt.
30.6 Top of road at two grey silos on the right and a farmhouse on the left.
Park. High point area #2 seems to be by a line of trees along the road on the
south side although I circled the house and went south into the wheat field to
ensure crossing the unmarked county line. Return to NE 44.
NOTE: This is also the parking space for the Kearney County high point which
seems to be on the north side of the road within the same 2,280+ foot contour interval.
31.4 NE 44 - turn left toward Wilcox.
32.4 "B" Road junction - turn left toward Wilcox.
32.9 Flashing light in Wilcox.