Garden County High Point Trip Report
Date: July 13, 2002
Author: Walt O'Neil
From where I parked on Highway 2 for Grant Count HP, I headed south on the ranch road, past the
northern entrance after seeing many cattle there and decided to do the south HP first. I parked by the gate
at the 3910-foot pass and headed generally northwest to the HP. It was easy to spot.
Statistics: Distance of 1 mile in 36 minutes with a 250 feet elevation gain.
I headed back north to the other HP and drove past the cattle (found out there was a fence between them
and the road). Went 1.3 miles and parked a half mile before the windmill due to more cattle abundance in
that area. I took the north route around the lake and climbed the HP from there - longer but no critters.
The area was very dry, which was a help on this route. Bob Packard's road directions were excellent.