Carroll County Highpoint Trip Report
Date: October 23, 2006
Author: Chip Clark
Another business trip to Boston and, since I was only 138 miles from the Carroll
NH CoHP (does any other business traveler consider that "nearby"?),
I decided to head on up.
Despite previous trip reports, I found the Drakes Brook Trail beautiful.
The leaves were already down, just the hemlocks and spruces to provide contrast.
I found a stout birch pole to help vault the Drakes Brook, though not all in one swoop.
At one point about 1.5 miles in, there was a beautiful view east through
the arching birch trees, and 10-15 foot waterfalls on the brook. Patches of
snow started at 1700 feet. By the time I reached the summit of Sandwich Mountain,
just shy of 4,000 feet, the snow was about four inches deep.
The view? Well, we've all been inside a cloud. This one had rocks, trees,
and snow as well. I bushwhacked south through the herd trails and thick spruces
until the drop off hit. No county line markers to be seen.
I returned the same way, with a spruce trekking pole to help stay upright on the
slippery slope.