Bergen County High Point Trip Report
Bald Mtn (1,164 ft)
Date: November 9, 2001
Author: Fred Lobdell
Mike Schwartz's trip report is entirely accurate for this one. I would add only that when you approach this
from the north, as soon as you enter NJ, I-287 and NJ 17 split, with 17 going to the left. Stay on 17,
and almost immediately there will be the exit for Mountainside Avenue, and the truck park Mike mentions.
Look for Stag Hill Road, which is at the north end of the park at the Jersey concrete barriers. It is signed,
but easy to miss. The mile of dirt road is passable by a passenger car in dry weather if driven with care.
If it were necessary to walk, it would add 2 miles of easy hiking to the trip. The HP appeared to be the rock
outcrop just south of the fenced communications towers.