Camden County High Point Trip Report
Date: February 8, 2001
Author: Michael Schwartz
USGS BM 3/4 mile northwest of Marlton Lakes (219 ft)
From Cooper Road, about 3/4 mile south of NJ 73, see the sign for the Sturbridge Road development and
take Forest Hills Drive east. At 0.9 miles, turn into the Longwood Road cul-de-sac, which ends in 1/10
mile. As of now, there are no homes on the cul-de-sac, so access to the woods is unimpeded. From the
right side of the cul-de-sac, follow red surveyor's tape uphill, leading directly to the USGS witness post
and BM. The bushwhacking is not too bad, but the area is loaded with ticks. On a 35 degree day we
brushed off ten ticks between us. The approach used in 1999 & 2000 could not be found, due to recent
one area 1 1/4 miles northwest of Marlton Lakes (210+ ft)
Off NJ 73, 2000 ft north of the Cooper Road intersection, take Signal Hill Drive into housing
development. Turn left at WM Feather Drive and go uphill to right turn at the second Tenby Chase Drive
intersection. The highest homes in the development are at #14 and #16 Tenby Chase, and are in Camden
County, just west of the county line. Burlington County starts at the rear of their backyards. I got
permission from the homeowner (April, 1999) at #16 to wander around his backyard and the woods
beyond. He had no idea he was living on a high point and joked about charging admission. There is no
obvious high point, and the land behind the homes does not go uphill much, if at all. Future visitors could
take a couple of steps from the sidewalk onto the front lawns of #14/16, and claim the high points, with
good conscience, as we did this day.
one area 1/2 mile south of New Freedom
Former highest point (was 220+ ft) has been mined down and now likely does not exceed 190 feet.