Camden County Highpoint Trip Report
Date: April 1, 2007
Authors: Sue Ann Miller and Frank Price
USGS BM 3/4 mile northwest of Marlton Lakes (219 ft)
None of the suburban development shows on the TopoZone map, so we used the
verbal directions in previous reports along with the unlabeled lines in DeLorme
to navigate the maze to the cul-de-sac of Longwood Road that still has no homes
on it six years after Mike Schwartz's visit. An ATV track that leaves the curb
across from the entrance to the cul-de-sac provides an easy short course up the ridge.
Turning right at the first junction then angling right to follow the
high ground when the track begins to descend is an easy way to approach the
necessary short bushwhack to locate the BM. The bush here is more open than the
dense laurel along the course from the woods edge that Mike Schwartz and Dan
Case described but the tick check is still necessary.
one area 1.25 miles NW of Marlton Lakes (210+ ft)
A street side is anticlimactic after an interesting search for a BM in the woods
but this area is as easy as described.