Cape May County High Point Trip Report
Date: February 27, 1999
Author: Michael Schwartz
A. 2 areas 1 3/4 miles northeast of Halberton (60+ ft)
On County 548, slightly west of midway between Port Elizabeth and Tuckahoe,
look for the Cumberland-Cape May county line. This is marked by a distinct
change in pavement and is 0.9 miles west of a power line crossing.
A good dirt road goes south into the woods 500 feet west of the county line.
Follow the road over the two slight rises shown on the topo and then bushwhack
into the woods to a slight rise. Grid walking is in order.
For the larger area, go 0.2 miles east of the county line to a dirt road heading northwest.
Hike in about 700 feet, and bushwhack to the right to a fairly pronounced rise.
B. 1 area 1 mile southwest of Hunters Mill (60+ ft)
Go west from the county line 0.3 miles to a wide dirt road.
Make a sharp right and go 0.9 miles to a power line crossing.
Drive up the dirt road under the power line to an obvious crest.
The highest point appears to be on or close to the road.