Essex County High Point Trip Report
Date: January 30, 2000
Author: Michael Schwartz
1 area 1 3/4 miles southeast of Sanitarium
From the intersection of NJ 23 and Bloomfield Avenue (County 506),
go north on NJ 23 for 0.6 miles to right turn onto Claridge Drive.
At top of Claridge, park in lot of Block Advertising Co., building #3.
Walk to upper side of tan apartment building.
Highest ground is in rear, next to fence.
1 area 1 1/4 miles southwest of Sanitarium
From the area above, drive south to right turn onto Bloomfield Ave.
Go west 1.5 miles to left turn at Fells Road, opposite fire house.
Take Fells to left at Fellswood Drive.
At top of Fellswood, park at No Trespassing sign, and scramble 100 feet
uphill to concrete building with water tank behind it.
Highest ground surrounds the building.
1 area 1/2 mile southwest of Sanitarium
From the area above, return to Bloomfield Ave. Go left 0.2 miles to right
turn at Mountain Avenue. Go north 0.8 miles to right at Glenview Rd.
Park at the top of Glenview, and continue on foot past gate on dirt road.
After 200 feet, leave road and angle left toward water tank which should be
visible at this point. This is not either of the water tanks shown on the 1981 topo.
Bushwhack through the woods to the tank, which sits on the highest ground.
"County Sanitarium"
The County Sanitarium has been abandoned, and many buildings have been demolished.
Roads shown on the topo map are gated, and some are now overgrown.
On the most recent visit, there were many walkers and skiers on the grounds.
To reach this area, drive down Glenview, turn right on Hill Street and go to
corner of Courter Rd. Park there in recreation area parking lot.
Walk up Couter Road past the gate and take the road about 1/2 mile to the crest of the hill.
A few derelict buildings remain, and the highest ground is in an open area that
was the site of a now demolished building.
USGS BM San shown on the topo was on the roof (!) of a now demolished five story building,
and obviously cannot be found.
Sightseeing note: Once back on Bloomfield Ave. from Mountain,
the birthplace of Grover Cleveland, the only president born in New Jersey,
is only 0.4 miles west. For history buffs, it is well worth a visit.