Hudson County High Point Trip Report
Date: January 27, 2001
Author: Dan Case
Mike Schwartz uncharacteristically did not provide directions, so I'll say that the best way to reach this
area is probably by exiting NJ 495 (still shown on some road maps as I-495) at John F. Kennedy
Boulevard, a few miles before the Lincoln Tunnel, and going north a couple of miles (through stop-and-go
traffic, so I wouldn't count this one as an easy interstate detour). However, I chose to dip south from Fort
Lee on US 1 & 9, a bit longer detour from the George Washington Bridge approach. If you use 1 and 9
from either 495 or I-95 (the top of the NJ Turnpike), do be advised that the ridge is a rather steep climb
and you should definitely use a lower gear.
This area, like New York County across the river, is completely urbanized. Unlike Manhattan, though,
there is absolutely no natural ground left showing at the high areas. Everything is completely covered in
buildings, asphalt or concrete. So judgments about the highest ground are, as Mike's report also suggests,
a little subjective and possibly influenced by human factors. It will be highly unlikely that any way can be
found to establish one or the other of these as the higher, at least with present technology. However, for
the same reason it qualifies as a serious gimme.
St Mary's School (260+ ft)
From Kennedy Blvd., turn left on 67th Street (one way in the direction you want to go) at a Honda
dealership. Park along either side where spaces are available. Highest ground is on north side of street in
front of No. 568.
1 area 1,000' NE of school (260+ ft)
Continue down 67th to Jackson Ave. Turn left (again the multitude of one-way signs here favors strongly
a southerly approach to both areas, and if you do this on foot that won't even matter). Go up a couple of
blocks into Guttenberg, where signs indicate most on-street parking is reserved for residents with permits.
High ground appears to be sidewalk in front of No. 6819 on west side of street, where some of the concrete
has risen due to underlying adjacent tree roots.