Mercer County High Point Trip Report
one area on Baldpate Mtn 3/4 mile west of Ackors Corners (480+ ft)
Date: December 23, 2000
Author: Dan Case
Mike Schwartz's directions need no amending. I would just add that County Route 567 leaves NJ 31 in
Hunterdon, not Mercer, county, so don't wait till you've crossed the county line to look (I didn't, but you
might make that mistake). The intersection is marked by a Quick Chek convenience store. After 1.1
mile, you cross the county line.
Baldpate Mountain (a name that gives the highpoint a lot more credit than it deserves, both in terms of
height and wood cover) is obvious on your right as you near the intersection. Do, as Mike suggests, pay
close attention to the addresses on the mailboxes as you get close to the turnoff. I missed it until I
backtracked to 175.
There I found a sign posted by the county parks department saying that, due to deer population
management efforts, the park is only open on Saturdays through Jan. 27, 2001. Obviously, they're not
using nonviolent deer control methods; as I read I heard a distant shot. But I also saw the indicated power
line not too far away, and decided to make a quick dash of it.
I found the wooded HP right where Mike says it should be. I would add that the highest ground is right
where the stone wall next to Trail I ends. The total distance from Pleasant Valley Road was maybe 350
feet. Interestingly, there was another set of tracks in the snow that started where I did, got to the HP and
then turned around. Someone else was out there late last week HPing.