Warren County Highpoint Trip Report
Date: March 2004
Author: Dave Orsheski
Took I-80 east to first exit in New Jersey, made a right and followed Old Mine
Road about 5 miles to the Douglas parking lot on the left.
Garvey Springs trail is across the road to the left of a small bridge.
This trail is very steep and rocky at times. The first crest you reach is confusing
as the Garvey Springs Trail meets up with a green on white blazed trail,
which you do not want. Continue to follow the orange blazed Garvey Springs Trail
which climbs again in some very steep and rocky places to another crest,
and a junction with the white blazed Appalachian Trail (AT).
Turn right on the AT for a short while and then turn left on a turquoise blazed
trail. This trail runs along Sunfish Pond, descends, then ascends again to
another crest and another junction with a fire road, still blazed turquoise.
Turn left here and follow the fire road for a while.
Eventually, a turquoise arrow directs hikers to the right. Follow the turquoise
blazed trail as it descends then ascends about 200 or so feet through very rocky terrain.
A bit more ascent and the trail comes out to another fire road.
Turn right and follow this till you get to the fenced in reservoir.
From here, follow the fence line and notice the yellow surveyors tape dangling
from the barbed wire. After a while I found a boulder in the woods and claimed
this as one of the Warren County highpoints.
Go back the way you came and when the road crests, go into the woods on the left
to a flat area. This, I think, came very close to the second highpoint.
Hiking statistics: 4.8 miles round trip, 1,400 or 1,500 feet total elevation gain.
Note: We saw 6 groups of hikers during our trip, 3 of whom had dogs.
On the return trip we ran into a 4 or 5 foot long black snake on the side of the trail.