McKinley County High Point Trip Report
Date: June 2000
Author: Jobe Wymore
The road into Cerros De Alejandro is absolutely one of the roughest roads I have ever been on. Andy
Martin states that you can get your vehicle within a mile of it but not any more. The owner of the
property surrounding Cerros De Guadalupe has sort of flexed his might within the area and has the turn-
off road off limits to vehicles due to people driving all over everywhere during hunting season. Picked
that up from a guy out driving around in the area. Signs are posted that state no motorized vehicles
allowed. Thus, any attempt on Cerros De Guadalupe would have to be done with a huge approach on foot.
Don't know if the owner would even let you on his property. The guy I talked to who was out driving
around said that the guy is really weird and just flips out, takes your license plate number and turns it in to
authorities if he sees anyone out there driving where they're not supposed to.