Humboldt County High Point Trip Report
Granite Pk (9,732 ft)
Date: June 23, 2002
Author: Adam Helman
Scott Surgent and myself were on a northern Nevada highpointing trip. In the morning
we had visited the summit of Desatoya Pk - the Churchill County highpoint. Now we
were way north near the Oregon border with the intention of getting the Humboldt County highpoint
before sundown.
After a disconcerting drive up a jeep road from the main highway (which one
leaves westward towards Granite Pk from the 7,700 ft saddle), Scott coaxed his
vehicle to the 8,400 ft level - parking near a meadow with mind-expanding views in all directions.
Granite Pk lay to the west and appeared, from our distant vantage point, to be anything but
a walk-up for the last few hundred vertical feet.
We walked south along the deteriorating jeep track, encountering mushy ground owing to
the recent snowmelt. Upon turning west, eventually a subpeak of Granite is ascended via
grassy fields, whence a 100 ft descent to the base of the south and east faces of the
mountain proper.
The south face looked more promising - take it. Ascend class 2 boulders with vegetation
in the general direction of the summit antenna mast. As you approach the summit your route
will become naturally constrained on both left and right by class 4 rock. Some twenty
vertical feet below the skyline encounter the only way up - an eight foot section
of 50+ degree rock with solid handholds (class 3). Go that way both up and on descent.
On the summit we enjoyed a short time since we both agreed to descend to the
subpeak for a longer and more relaxed break after the dicey sections were over with.
Upon return to Scott's vehicle he graciously offered me use of his portable lounge chair.
I accepted, sipping blackberry liqueur as twilight lingered well past 9 PM on this day
poised nearly atop the summer solstice.
Why the lounge chair and the liqueur? - Simple. It was my one-hundredth county.
Welcome to the Century Club!!