Cattaragus County High Point Trip Report
USGS BM Clare (2430 ft)
Date: August 17, 2000
Author: Mike Schwartz
This one is nasty. First, I must report that Bill Schuler's trip report is erroneous. BM Clare in not south
of Knapp Creek, at or near the PA line. It's actually about three miles north of Knapp Creek. Secondly,
the oil and gas drilling that generated the jeep trails on the mountain has long since been discontinued,
and the "jeep trails" are overgrown, eroded, and very obscure.
My approach to the mountain was from Olean. Take NY 16 south across the Allegheny River, and
quickly turn right(west) onto county 60, West River Road. After 3.5 miles, go left(south) on county 61.
Bear right onto West Branch Road at 4.0 miles, and left onto Richards Road at 5.9 miles. There is a
small parking area on the left at 6.5 miles, with the dead-end gate visible ahead. I hiked up the
overgrown track road and went right at the first fork. The path climbed steadily, but rapidly became
extremely overgrown, blocked by fallen trees, and very muddy. As I got high on the mountain, I left the
northward trending path and bushwhacked uphill to the west. I soon intersected another overgrown path,
slightly better than the first, but still trending northward. I left this path to go uphill to the west, and this
time started passing the house-sized rocks mentioned in the USGS Data Sheet as being within 0.2 miles of
the summit. Several hundred yards more bushwhacking brought me above the rocks, and the ground
ahead was obviously sloping down. Here, on what passes for open ground on this mountain, was BM
Clare, in a standard 3-4" inch-high, square concrete base, with a witness post nearby, minus the sign. It
was now 7:30 PM, and I started pushing downhill to beat the darkness. After a while it became obvious
that I had gotten turned around and was heading down the jeep trail shown on the topo heading SW
toward Chipmunk Road. It was too late to retrace or bushwhack back toward Richards Road, and a
rapidly improving dirt road down the wrong side of the mountain beat a night in the woods. This descent
route is that used by the USGS in its 1964 station recovery described on the "Clare" data sheet. At that
time, it was possible to drive the entire route to the summit. Today, a "cat" would struggle to make the
trip. When I finally reached Chipmunk Road, I started walking north, hoping the walk around the north
end of the range back to my car would only be 5-6 miles. As I passed a private home and greeted the
owner, he took pity on me and volunteered to drive me back to my car. The trip was about 10 miles. This
was truly an "act of random kindness."
Notes: This mountain is very damp and overgrown. Unless you are a masochist, wait until the
underbrush dies off to attempt a climb. Don't start two hours before sundown, like I did. The mountain
is complicated, with several ridge lines descending in all directions. All the jeep trails I found were in
terrible condition, and if I ever revisit, it might be easier just to pick a good bushwhack route from the
start. The shortest approach is from Richards Road, but the routes on that side of the mountain are the
worst. The Chipmunk Road approach I used for descent is better, but the road peters out into a field about
100 yards from Chipmunk Road, and would not be easy to spot from the road. Compass and GPS would
be a major help. Once you find the house-sized boulders, you are on the homestretch to the summit. Look for
the signless witness post to spot the benchmark.