Chemung County High Point Trip Report
spot elevation 0.5 mile N of Smith Corners (1,914 ft)
Date: July 14, 2000
Author: Dan Case
Take NY 414 south from Watkins Glen or north from Corning to Post Creek Road, opposite a bar in the
small portion that lies within Chemung County. Follow it E and uphill to a three-way intersection.
Fortunately, all the roads up there are paved well.
Turn left at the intersection (no street signs). Follow this slightly uphill and around to where the ground
rises sharply in the woods off to the left. Park on side of road and make a short walk uphill about 0.2 mile
to highest ground, next to the only mature tree in an otherwise immature stand of hardwoods.
This tree, like one other I saw on the way up, had a couple of ears of Indian corn laid next to it --
deer bait? (I wouldn't know since I don't hunt, but I do know that baiting deer is illegal in this state.
I wouldn't know about turkeys.)