Blaine County High Point Trip Report
Date: September 18, 2002
Author: Fred Dale
I'll number these points backward, so as to make this report's locations correspond with those of
Bill Schuler's report.
On US 281/270 (also Oklahoma 3) at the Dewey-Blaine county line, go northwest 1.45 miles to a sand road on
the right, and turn north. Go 0.55 mile to an intersection, and turn right (east). Now go 1.0 mile to an
unimproved road that leads back south. Turn here. This is the county line road, and is the same one
mentioned by Bill Schuler in his report of his hike from the south.
POINT 4: Go south 0.45 mile to an ever-so-slight dip in the road at on-site GPS coordinates
(35° 53.52' N, 98° 37.91' W) with NAD27 datum.
The scrub oak is formidable, but passable fairly easily if one takes the cleared path that starts at this point.
The cleared path resembles a power-line right-of-way, without the line. It's not easy to spot
because of regrowth and cut brush piled at the fence line, but this is where a GPS will help (though without one,
you'll recognize the lowered growth height at this specified mileage location at the road's "dip"). Hike
across the fence eastward. At the height of land, "bushwhack" north a little into the meadow-like sandy area,
obviously now on top of a hill. I moved about widely, finally settling on a specific tree at whose base I summitted.
POINT 3: Back along the county line road, move south a bit onto the roadside rise. The fence line on the
east side of the road (Blaine County) appears to be as high as anything I found in the adjacent woods.
POINT 2: Can't be absolutely sure (view partially blocked by scrub oaks), but this one sure seems to sight-level
higher than Point 3, and, unlike that point, Point 2 is not a liner. The gas production facility is located
almost adjacent to the road, and thus is not in the same location as the topo-mapped "gas well", location of
which would be southeast of the current facility. Yet this facility does seem to contain a well head, so
probably this current roadside setup is relatively new. Point 2 is 250 feet south, in the now-pleasant high-
grassy field, 150 feet from the road. Sight-leveling to Point 1 seemed equivalent. Walk directly to Point 1.
POINT 1: This is now a pretty knoll on a beautiful September morning, black-eyed Susans stampeding to the top.
It is almost a quarter mile walk across the field from Point 2, and a bit further (more east) from the road.
A couple of trees as I recall - the sounds of Highway 281 could be heard. It'd be a great place for a
sunrise if you happened to wake up there.
topo chart
on-site GPS readings (NAD27 datum):
Point 4 - (35° 53.56' N, 98° 37.68' W)
Point 3 - (35° 53.40' N, 98° 37.91' W)
Point 2 - (35° 53.28' N, 98° 37.88' W)
Point 1 - (35° 53.13' N, 98° 37.83' W)