Caddo County High Point Trip Report
BM Clancy (2,110+ ft)
Date: May 2002
Author: David Olson
Bob Martin and I followed the access from the north described in the US-CGS BM notes.
Nothing to add to it, except that we had to start from the public road and walk 0.5 mile farther
than they did. The HP is composed of interesting rock.
As a convenience, here is a copy of the US-CGS BM notes that I used
(I have changed the case to make it easier to read).
OK Caddo co., Clancy BM, 2110'+
To reach from the main intersection in Apache, Coblake and Evans Streets,
go north U.S. Highway 62 and 281 for 0.35 mile to a T-intersection,
turn left and go west on state highway 19 for 13.4 miles to a cross road where
state highway 19 turns right, north, turn left and go south and east for 1.2 miles to a
wire gate on the right, south side of the road, turn right,
pass through the gate and follow track road southwest and south
for 0.4 mile to a wire gate at a T-fence intersection,
pass through the gate and go south on track road for 0.3 mile to a
windmill and tanks on the east side of fence line and a wire gate,
pass thru the gate and go south on the east side of
the fence line on track road which bears to the southeast
up hill for 0.2 mile to the top of the first ridge and the
Azimuth mark on the western end of the ridge.
Truck can be driven about 0.2 mile farther south or about 0.1 mile south
of the second windmill and water tank in valley.
Thence pack south and south-southeast about 0.35 mile to the
highest point and the station. 20 minute pack.
Coast and Geodetic Survey BM Clancy access description (1963).