Coal County High Point Trip Report
Date: September 17, 2002
Author: Fred Dale
I visited the hamlet of Bromide, OK.
It is in the northeast potion of Johnston County, the Coal County line running through the town.
It's an interesting spot, an old mineral health spring resort, once home of multiple hotels and mineral baths.
All the hotels are empty now. Though I saw one water garden, I didn't have time to search out any remaining
spring pavilions, if any remain. Situated at the south face of an imposing east-west rocky ridge,
the highlands here are seemingly midway between the easternmost Arbuckle Mountains and the westernmost
Ouachita Mountains. Accurate identification of both of those "ranges" can be found within 20 miles of
Bromide in opposite directions; the locals I spoke to did not know or seem intrigued much by my question
of what terrain they consider themselves part of.
I visited the wonderland of the Sanduskys, who live on the little northbound lane shown on the above map
above, in the extreme northeast corner of Bromide. Mr. Sandusky creates eclectic metal sculpture out of
discarded material, and has a sculpture garden of these creations out front of the house. I had driven up the lane,
which turns to dirt, past their house northward in an attempt to reach Coal's cohp, which lies 3 miles
north and 1 mile west. Note the 1000-foot (+) contour in Section 18, in the northwest corner of
this map.
The road just to the east is the one that comes up from the Sandusky's home in Bromide.
Unfortunately, there is a locked gate and "No Trespassing" signs across the road, at the Wide Springs location.
But Mrs. Sandusky gave me the name of the owner. Perhaps he can be contacted for access. He's a friend of the
Sanduskys and lives over in Atoka, OK: Mr. Terry Cato, local phone number 889-3666. I simply did not have the
time to pursue it further that day.