Coal County High Point Trip Report
Date: February 9, 2003
Author: Dave Olson
We stopped at the ranch house southwest of the HP and spoke with the young fellow there.
He wouldn't agree to our hiking out there, electing to drive us instead.
He went the long way around, east of Bromide, then north and west. Since the cohP isn't named on the map
nor has any nearby named features, and the young fellow is only so-so able to read maps, and we had no
working GPS, we had a tough time getting there and knowing we were there. He called it the High Meadow.
It is north of the High-Line power line and east of a gate in the county line fence.
Other worthwhile information. There was another party out there hunting for coyotes,
and the young fellow is out there - a spot 2 miles southeast of the HP when he said this -
once every three days.
Jobe Wymore has doubts about obtaining permission for a next ascent of the HP.