Grant County High Point Trip Report
Date: September 22, 2002
Author: Dave Olson
One mile east of OK 11 & Alfalfa/Grant county line I turned north on a sandy lane. Three miles north I
found the "Road Closed" lane. Because the sun was so low and in my eyes I parked and walked west.
At 0.5 mile the road crosses from north-of-fence to south-of-fence. At 0.8 mile the map-road and ground-
road begin to differ. Followed a lane to the right and I got to abandoned ranch structures marked on the
map just west of the county line. Go north across the fence, find the north-south fence and get east of it.
Follow this second fence north to the HP hill. Twilight.
The HP hill could be easily confused with other nearby sand-hills, if not for the fences. I exited by mowed
lanes heading northeast and came out on the public road 0.5 mile north of my car.