Muskogee County High Point Trip Report
Date: January 19, 2003
Author: Jeff Runder
The Muskogee County highpoint is located in the Cherokee Wildlife Management Area
in the northeastern part of the county.
If approaching from Muskogee, head east on US 62,
take the first major roadway to the south after crossing into Cherokee,
about 3.1 miles east of the county line. Take this paved road a couple miles to the
Wildlife Management Area. Turn west immediately upon entering the W.M.A.
There is a road paralleling the fence outside of the W.M.A., do not take this road.
The road inside the W.M.A. will swing back and parallel the road outside the fence.
This road was rough and rocky. I was able to drive this road about 2.5 miles before
being stopped by a large 50' mud hole about 1.5 miles from the HP area.
Four wheel drive vehicles could probably cross the mud hole,
but this will only save you about 0.5 mile of walking.
I continued on foot down the road about 0.5 mile.
I left the road at a point just over a mile from the HP,
traveling westerly through an open area interspersed with cedar trees.
The open area gives way to relatively open deciduous forest
as you begin gradually climbing a ridge, gaining about 200 feet.
Along this stretch you cross back into Muskogee Co. After topping the low ridge
descend westerly to a saddle. The saddle is mostly dense cedar,
though I found easy going through a glade area on the south slopes of the saddle.
The highpoint area is just beyond the saddle. The HP area is a broad area in deciduous forest.
There are several small rocks which could be the HP; I did not see BM Lookout.