Osage County High Point Trip Report
Date: February 4, 2003
Authors: Julie Kawa and Jobe Wymore
The key to this one is making sure you start from the north.
We tried to exit via the south and ran into a
couple of locked gates that had us backtracking.
Another has confirmed that the south access just isn't the greatest.
This county high point lies in the Osage Nation in North/Central OK,
some of the nicest grasslands
to be found lie in the vicinity and the views are worthwhile.
To get started, make your way to the north end of the small town of Graninola, OK on OK18, keeping an
eye out for a huge white ammonia tank on the west side of the road. Immediately south of this tank is a
signed intersection with CR4804 (Delorme has this marked as E0050). Set the odometer and turn eastward
on this excellent dirt road. At mile 2.7 miles you'll pass a nice-sized OK Water Inc. tower on your right and
at mile 4.6 a T-intersection of sorts will be reached.
Keep the odometer rolling and take a left heading northeast.
Soon after, at mile 5.3, you'll come to the intersection of CR4551 and CR4854, which is a paved road.
We tuned right and headed east here and passed through an open iron gate at mile 6.1 and another at
mile 6.8. The road beyond this point started to get bumpier, still decent and at mile 7.1 the road began to
curve southeast. At mile 8.2 an unposted, closed iron gate was encountered which we passed through,
crossed a couple of cement bridges and then, at mile 9.6, reached a few farm structures at a Y-intersection.
If you're wondering where you are on the map, it's the obvious "star" intersection in the lower right corner
of section 11 with a spot elevation of 1346 feet. You need to hunt a bit for a lesser dirt road that is off to
the northeast from where you are. Depending on the time of year you are here, this might be where you park,
we were lucky enough to locate it and followed it 0.8 mile northeast to where we decided to park in
the middle of the grasslands. From here we continued on foot, still in a northeasterly direction, to the high
ground in front of you about 1/2 mile away. The high ground has a cleared-out area nearby with a tire used
for feeding cattle. Might have to stomp around the contour a bit to get the HP but shouldn't take long.
We decided to stroll on over to the edge of the bluff and take a look around.
Nice views and worth the visit.