Roger Mills County High Point Trip Report
Antelope Hills, 2 points (2604 ft, 2600+ ft)
Date: September 3, 2000
Author: David Olson
From Cheyenne OK I drove northwest to the Antelope Hills, HP of Roger Mills county OK. The area is
open range with cattle guards across the roads every few miles. The hills are caprock buttes. The caprock
is about 10' thick. The 2604' southwest HP hill is easily climbed from the south. The caprock at the south
end is broken up into obvious 18" steps. There is a nice view from on top. The other HP hill looks more
foreboding. I drove around it and decided to park northeast of it. There is some sort of trail from there to
the top, 0.3 miles, ascending a "couloir" that is also broken up into a cascade of 18" steps.