Roger Mills County High Point Trip Report
Date: September 20, 2002
Author: Walt O'Neil
Coming from Dewey County on U.S. 60 I elected to do Roger Mills instead of Ellis County because it was
more of a challenge. I took U.S. 283 south from U.S. 60 to Highway 33 and headed west about 9.5 miles to
the Antelope Hills sign. Went north 6 miles to the southern butte.
There are 2 that are notably higher than the others. Park and climb from the east (where the road is).
Once on top, it is easy to spot the highest area. There was a benchmark and 2 triangulation BM's nearby.
From here the northern one looked almost impossible to climb without technical gear and rivaled the
southern one in height. I descended and drove a mile north and parked in a turnout on the north side of the butte.
There was a nice trail heading toward it that ascended the western side. From the top it was hard to
determine which was higher even though the summit area on the north butte was smaller.
These could be seen coming south on US route 283. This one made the trip more exciting.