Washington County Highpoint Trip Report

five total areas (1,030+ ft)

Date: March 10, 2007
Author: Denis Dean

Visited in conjunction with Nowata County.

I used Jobe Wymore's 2002 report to get to the road that splits the counties just south of 4 of the 5 areas. The area with the sheds that Jobe mentioned was behind an open gate but heavily posted. I went to the white house just south of the posted area but it is abandoned. While figuring my next move, a white pickup came up the road from the south and turned into the driveway of the abandoned house. Bill Gallery remembered Jobe from five years ago and gave me the same instructions of parking near the pens and walking the rest of the way.

I followed Jobe's report to reach the four areas with no problem. As I left the area, I looked for the white truck at several houses but never saw it so I'm not sure where Bill lives.

Next, I went to Rose Burrows's house to get permission for the third Washington, OK area. She has sold off a large portion of her tract and was unsure of who owns the highpoint area. She gave me the names of a few family members who live in the area but none of them were home. Undaunted, I drove back south to road E0020 and turned east. At a 90-degree right hand turn (the road south is N4040), there are two houses. I believe one of these is the home of the mean lady/dog that Jobe mentions. To the north of the southern house is an ATV trail that was unposted. I drove up this path for a few hundred feet where the path faded. I then followed a northerly tract up the hill and through the woods to the highpoint, intersecting a few more ATV paths along the way. I left without encountering anyone but I heard several gunshots that seemed very close (don't they always).