Harbison Canyon Highpoint Trip Report
2,160+ ft
My intention had been to attain the point shown as 2,058 ft and located about
one-half mile SE of the 2,258 ft peak northwest of Harbison Canyon.
I started the hike at 2 PM Sunday from the road connecting Harbison Canyon to
communities immediately west - at about the 1,200 ft level. After a walk down
the paved road 0.2 mile I headed up a dirt road that was heading along the
southwest slopes of the ridge in a roughly northwesterly direction.
I left the dirt track, heading east directly for the summit. A moderately
tedious bushwack through brush. The ridge highpoint was attained after perhaps
1 hour 40 minutes and, checking my map, noted that I had missed the intended,
lower highpoint of 2,058 ft located about 1/4 mile southeast. I was, however,
higher and felt like the current highpoint deserved more "credit" than the
lower highpoint southeast.
While enjoying a snack the wind blew the top of my square tupperware food container
off my summit boulder - and is was not worth trying to search for it owing to
technical considerations. I have since purchased a brand new container even though
I still have the old container (less it's top).