Washington County High Point Trip Report
Date: February 17, 2002
Author: Fred Lobdell
We parked near the school bus barn that is near the northern end of the 560-foot contour and bushwhacked
through the woods. There is no obviously higher area except for some mounds near the bus barn that are
obviously manmade, probably piled up from when the area was graded for the school buses. My feeling is
that the HP is near the northern end of the area, but I can't prove it.
The man inside the fence at the bus barn wanted to know what we were doing (we weren't attempting to get
inside the fence at all) and said he was going to call the state police. About 15 minutes later as we were
having lunch at a little pizza place on RI route 3 near the southeast corner of the HP area, a trooper pulled
into the parking lot. He was there on a different matter, but one from our party went out and talked with
him anyway. He had gotten the call, but wasn't very concerned about it. Perhaps the man at the bus barn
has a local reputation.
However, the west side of the area is lined with private homes, whereas the east side has commercial
properties and some vacant lots and areas along RI 3. It is our recommendation that future visitors to this
HP park somewhere along RI 3 and bushwhack into this area from the east. This would seem to be the least
intrusive way of accessing this area.