Darlington County High Point Trip Report
Date: January 7, 2000
Author: Fred Lobdell
I just reconnoitered this one. The north-south road shown on the topo is paved,
but the intersecting road running SW-NE just north of the county line is good-quality dirt.
It's also fairly wide, but there's no place to pull off unless it's into people's driveways.
There are also a couple of houses in the area not shown on the map.
The woods nearby are posted, though the highest area might be in a field behind one of the
dwellings on the south side of the road.
A possible approach might be to park at the
radio tower shown on the map, which is fenced but does not sit on a HP.
I don't think it was posted from this direction and it might be possible to walk east
from the tower for the small area, then northeast to the large area.
I didn't look at the third (small) area at all, which is three-quarters of a mile or so
west of the paved road.