Codington County Highpoint Trip Report
Punished Woman's Mound (2,080+ ft)
Date: July 14, 2004
Author: Bob Schwab
From South Shore, go south on CR 3 for 2 miles to 159th Street. Turn right, and go west for about 0.4 mile
to the driveway to Howard Noeldner's farm. Mr. Noeldner owns the northern half of section 34 and if he
grants you permission, you can follow a farm path that can be driven to within 600 feet of the high point.
There is a white gate just north of BM Mound. Unfortunately, no elevation is reported in the NGS data
sheets but the view from the top is quite nice.
Mr. Noeldner says the "punished woman" was an Indian girl who was caught with her Indian boyfriend near
the mound. They were both taken to the nearby lake and drowned.