Harding County High Point Trip Report
18 areas (4,000+ ft)
Date: October 10, 2003
Authors: Bob Martin and Art Tauchen
These areas are in two groups, 7 in the West Short Pine Hills and 11 in the East Short Pine Hills.
For the western group, drive US85 to a point 2 miles north of Redig, which is 6 miles north of the
Butte-Harding county line. Drive west on unmarked Dillon Road for 13 1/2 miles to a T at Harding Road.
Turn right and drive 1.6 miles north to Collins Road on the left. Drive this good gravel road about 5 miles to a
point where the road turns from northwest to west. Here on the right is an old road closed to vehicles.
It can be walked east, northeast, east, and southeast to a point near the 3 southern areas. Then it's 1 3/4 miles
north-northwest along the ridge in grass land, passing 3 more small areas, to Harding Peak. Peak is a
misnomer because it's just a big flat grassy area. The hp is probably near the BM in the western part of the area.
Harding Peak is obviously higher than the six little areas along the ridge. Return the same way or over
hill and dale directly to the vehicle. Possibly closer driving routes could be found through ranches to the
north or east.
For the eastern areas, return to the junction of Harding Road and Collins Road. Drive 4.6 miles north to
road 111 on the right. Drive this road east all the way to the hp area, 7+ miles. The road passes through the
two largest areas, but several stops will be needed to cover the hp of each. Use the topo and the level to
find that almost all the other areas are lower.