Lawrence County High Point Trip Report
Date: October 25, 2001
Author: Michael Schwartz
Crooks Tower (7,137 ft) and one area 800 feet north (7,120+ ft)
From the state line, take US 85 northeast about three miles to FR 231, at/near O'Neill Pass. The road had
three inches of snow on it above 6,000 feet, but was still passable by passenger car. Take FR 231 southeast
and east five miles to a right (south) onto FR 189, then go 2.4 miles to a saddle and parking, where a track
road climbs east to Crooks Tower. It was a 30-minute hike to Crooks Tower and the area to the north.
I felt like the northern area rose more than Crooks Tower from the low saddle between them. I visited with
an elk hunter, whose truck was at the base of Crooks Tower, and who was sitting on the east side.
one area 1 1/4 mile southwest of Crooks Tower (7,120+ ft)
Return to the saddle and parking. The road south might be passable to passenger cars in dry weather,
but the mud and snow this date required at least a truck. Hike the road south-southwest to a crest,
then bushwhack west through fairly open woods, passing over a false summit. Highest ground is near the west
end of the 7120-foot contour, at a four foot high stump in a clearing. Someone had put a rock atop the stump.
Don't quit too early on the bushwhack. It takes 7-10 minutes at a steady pace.
45 minutes round trip from parking.