Perkins County High Point Trip Report
two areas in section 19-17N-10E (3,166+ ft (metric map))
Date: October 24, 2001
Author: Michael Schwartz
One hundred feet east of the junction of SD 20/79,
Harding CR 735 goes south six miles to a "T"- shaped intersection. Zero your odometer.
Go east on unsigned road that may be CR 725 to the county line at 1.9 miles, where it
becomes Perkins CR 6. Reach Sorum at 2.5 miles. Turn right (south) onto CR 1 at 4.0, and turn right onto
a ranch road to the Jerde property at 7.0 miles. This is the road shown on the topo heading west from spot
elevation 880.7 meters. I drove up to the ranch houses and got permission to drive or hike to the summit
from the elder Mr Jerde. He did suggest waiting to see his son, Doug, who soon drove up. When I told
him my mission, he mentioned a previous visit by a cohp'er and offered to drive me to the top in his 4WD,
definitely needed on the rough track road.
After we reached the summit (larger eastern point is higher) he gave me a tour of the property, going cross
country north and east of the summit, then returning south to the ranch. Lots of deer around, and we
searched for and spotted some cattle that had strayed. They ran up to the truck, looking for a handout,
and followed us like puppy dogs back toward the ranch houses until Doug blocked their way by closing a gate.
He also mentioned that a mountain lion had taken up residence in the area the past year.
I left him my Topozone copy.