Turner County Highpoint Trip Report
two areas (1,740+ ft)
Date: January 20, 2007
Author: Nick O'Connell
From the intersection of US Highway 81 and US Highway 18, head east on US 18 for 2 miles.
Turn north on Turner County 13 (441st Avenue).
After about 0.7 mile, park near the mailbox of the farmstead to the west.
The highpoint areas will directly to the east just past a slough in the field.
There are quite a few bumps in the field but the 2 highest areas are not too
difficult to ascertain. The high prairie grass near the radio towers to the
southwest made that ground look higher but, after I returned to the road,
I checked this area and it is definitely lower. Both highpoint areas are in a
corn field and would be much more difficult to determine if crops were growing.
Round trip: 13 minutes, 0.4 mile, 30 feet of gain.