Henry County High Point Trip Report
Date: June 12, 1999
Author: Andy Martin
The first of the 4 areas for Henry Co. that I visited was the most scenic,
a 1/4 mile walk west of Murray Road. The hilltop is half in grass and half in trees,
I left a register there.
The next area is right by the roadside, and the third area was in woods a short distance
west of the road.
Now for the tricky one, an area shown out in the woods ESE of Gilliam Cemetery.
I drove east to Shady Grove Road, and found a locked gate on the road heading uphill,
due west of Hickory Grove Cem. I continued North to a road that looks like a fish hook,
and is shown as solid red on the DeLorme map.
Well, DeLorme was right, and I was able to drive this road half way to the HP.
Where the main road bent right and downhill, a new road took off too the west,
and I was able to drive virtually to the HP, assuming my navigating was OK.
Since none of the roads was shown on the topo map it was a bit tricky.
I figure the HP here is near two dead snags in a dense regrowth of pine trees.