Sequatchie County High Point Trip Report

Date: May 13, 2000
Author: Mike Beavers

I finally got the third and final high point of Sequatchie County. I had been driving by this high point everyday to and from work and it was getting more and more tempting everyday. There is a gated road that will take you almost directly to the high point but it is posted no trespassing. As I drove by to and from work sometimes the gate was open other times it was closed. So Saturday morning I was going to ask the owner if it was OK if I used the road to get to the high point, but Saturday morning the gate was closed and no one was around to ask. So I parked my truck on the side of highway 111 not far from where it starts down off Walden Ridge into Dunlap, TN and close to the gated road.

From the truck I hiked up the side of mountain next to the road cut for 111 until I came to a power line. (The fence is not posted along 111.) I crossed over the fence at this point and then hiked over to the gravel road and started walking up the gravel road. I then followed the road until I reached the highest point on the road then turned to the left and bushwhacked to the high point which was <100 yards from the road. On the return trip I took the scenic route back and followed some old horse/4 wheeler trails back to the truck. These trails lead to some very nice over looks of Sequatchie valley over 1,000 feet below. Round trip the hike is about 2 miles long. Note: Sequatchie is the Cherokee word for possum. I guess that people would rather live in Sequatchie County than Possum County.