Aransas County High Point Trip Report
one tiny area W of Dagger Point in Aransas NWR (55+ ft)
Date: July 19, 2000
Author: Dave Covill
As I have mentioned before, this is what makes county highpointing worthwhile.
This is a sand dune on a National Wildlife Refuge.
Beautiful area, low (5-9') scrub oak, on the dunes, some tall oak trees, although not on the high spot.
You need to pay $3 to get in, although I had my Golden Beagle parks pass with me. You drive 2.4 miles
from the visitor center on the only road, and turn left at the sign for the Dagger Point Trail. TH is at the
beach, just E of the dunes. A short trail goes to the beach, a mile-long trail goes around the dunes. Turns
out the trail goes directly over the high ground. There is a bench there, and at a few other spots. From on
the bench, you can tell that you are on the high ground. A gentle breeze on top was welcome, as it was about
100 degrees F at the car. Saw deer, raccoon, eagle, etc. Tons of shore birds. No one else around at all. Path was
sandy and steep in spots, but just fine. One of my favorite cohp's to date, and a welcome change from the 3
previous ones this week. SE TX is about 104 degrees F right now, absolutely oppressive.