Crane County High Point Trip Report
Date: March 11, 2001
Author: Andy Martin
Approached this one from the north on highway 385, and parked right at the county line sign.
The country is very flat here, and I started off pacing to the west. A faint track heads along the county line
(I hope). Unfortunately, I did not locate county line marker #3, which would have helped navigating.
After about 1/2 a mile of pacing some kids drove up from the south, 2 in a truck, and one in what looked
like a golf cart, called a "MULE". They thought I might be a trapper. I asked them for a lift, and they
drove me south a bit. I did some rushed sight level work, left a glass jar in a very small cairn, and called
it a day. Hopefully I at least got in the 2940' contour area. The youngster in the MULE gave me a ride
back to the car, and I drove on to Crane, where I pulled into an abandoned service station to get squared
away for the next HP. Not long afterwards a bus pulled alongside. After a few minutes the driver came
out, walked over, and asked me if I wanted a ride - as I was parked at the unmarked pick up area for the
bus route.