Kenedy County High Point Trip Report
Sullivan BM (115 ft)
Date: November 11, 2001
Author: Scott Surgent
an attempt
Kenedy county is a low-lying gulf-coast county with about 30,000 head of cattle and 400 people - the entire
county is the domain of the King Ranch Company. Access to the Kenedy highpoint from within Kenedy
county is impossible. From Falfurrias, take FM-2191 east about 5 miles. FM-2191 will turn north; you
want to turn south onto Mariposa Road, which is hard-pack gravel. Another four miles brings you to the
gated entrance of the Mariposa Oil Fields. I aborted the attempt at this point. The map indicates a private
hard-pack road that goes south-southwest from here another 5-6 miles to the Pita Oil Field. A pipeline runs
just south of the highpoint, which I assume are oak-covered sand dunes, as is the whole region.