Sabine County High Point Trip Report
Forse Mtn [Patroon South] (580+ ft)
Date: March 25, 2001
Author: Roy Schweiker
Took woods road not on quad S from FR-108 near unmarked county line for 0.3 mi. to a fallen tree, but
couldn't get reading from Magellan 2000 and decided I wanted to start from a known point, so went back
and parked on FR-108 0.3 mi E of county line. Fought through brush over a couple ridges to find an
overgrown skid road/ATV trail. Follow various branches toward mountain, finally turn on path which
ascends ridge to tree stand.
Never saw Forest boundary, but as ridge leveled out I came out in a large clear-cut. This had a road up
from the other side and could be Martinized with permission. The actual HP has no doubt been turned
into a skidder rut but you can choose from remaining areas. On the return, I followed the skid trail out to
the fallen tree where I had been before, and then the road back to my car.
Topo chart