Garfield County High Point Trip Report
Mount Ellen (11,522 ft)
Date: August 2, 1998
Author: Andy Martin
Drove to Bull Creek pass at 10,485 feet. We came in from Bull Creek (northeast), and it sounds like the
road in from the west may be rougher. A high clearance vehicle should be able to come in on our route with
no problems. A friend claims to have driven a passenger car to the pass. Most drivers will not get past
some rocky climbs almost 10 miles back down the road.
A use trail leads to almost 11,400 feet, and from here it is easy rock hopping past a few false summits to the
mailbox register at 11,522 feet. Nice views from the top. A water bottle survey shows that Mount Ellen
Peak really is a bit lower than spot elevation 11,522 feet (16 feet lower per the topo map).
Those inclined can hike over to it and back, but the extra 800 feet gain was not attractive to me.
We camped at the picnic area in Sawmill Basin, where water was available. A BLM campsite is also available
just up the road.