Chesterfield County High Point Trip Report

five areas two miles west of Buckingham - one with BM 403 ft (400+ ft)

Date: September 12, 2001
Author: Michael Schwartz

These points are all off US 60, west of Richmond, three to the north and two to the south of the highway.

Starting from the Chesterfield/Powhatan County line, go east on US 60 for 0.9 mile and turn right (south) onto CR 652/Old Hundred Road. Note the slope to the left leading to the larger contour. Drive 0.3 mile south to the small area on the left, with a house on it, that seems clearly lower than the area to the north. For the larger area, return to US 60, turn right, and then almost immediately right again onto an access road for several homes marked by mailbox 16721. This climbs the knoll and dead ends opposite at least two homes. I parked here and walked a few feet to highest ground in the woods. If you feel uncomfortable on this access road, park along Old Hundred Road and bushwhack up to the high ground.

The three areas north of US 60 are accessed from CR 607 and directly from US 60. For the northernmost area, drive north from US 60 on CR 607/Huegenot Springs Road about 0.6 mile to a crest just south of the junction with Dragonnade (Rd.?) shown at spot elevation 400-feet. Highest ground I could find was along CR 607, just south of the junction. This point is 0.4 mile south of the county line on CR 607. For the largest contour, nearer US 60, I looked for, and did not find, BM 403 feet, but the area at the church is a relative high spot. I thought the highest ground in this contour was in the vicinity of barn and farmhouse, further north in the contour, accessible by quick dash from CR 607. The dirt road shown angling off from CR 607 between the two 400-foot contours was nowhere to be found. For the eastern 400-foot contour, go back to US 60, head east, and cross the highway at the median pass-through shown on the map 0.6 mile east of CR 607. Take the dirt road shown heading north until a low crest, from where a farm path can be walked west onto the 400-foot contour.

Finally, drive west back on US 60 and note relatively high ground at the large house with the circular driveway shown on the map between the median pass-through and CR 607. It will take better equipment than mine to determine a single highest point in this area.