Goochland County High Point Trip Report

Date: May 8, 2003
Author: Ryan Bowles

Dale Millsap's trip report is valid. We add a few comments:

On area one, we agreed with the topo map and felt the area Dale identifies across the street is not higher than the contour on the map. The high area seemed to be a short distance up an old woods road near the house Dale mentions.

We sight-leveled area 2 from area 3 and confirmed that area 2 is higher than area 3 or 4.

We felt that the highest natural point in the fifth area seems to be around the foundation of a no longer standing house, rather than near the road.

The sixth area, across I-64, is clearly lower than area 5.

For area 7, the highest area appeared to be among some pine trees. On a previous visit, we found the bench mark at Shannon Hill, but we were unable to find it this time.

Area 8 extends on both sides of Shannon Hill Road. On the northwest side is a brushy, brier-filled field and on the southeast side is a house, barn, and pasture with a board fence. We felt the highest area was probably in the middle of the pasture.

Area 9 is northwest, on Three Chopt Road, from area 8. The area is an obvious rise east-northeast of an intersection with a gated road.