Stevens County High Point Trip Report

Abercrombie Mtn (7,308 ft)

Date: September 30, 2001
Author: Trapper Robbins

From east of Colville on Route 20, turn north onto CR#4735 (signed Aladdin Rd.) near the airport. About 23+ (?) miles from Route 20, go right (north) at fork on CR#4745 to Leadpoint, WA.

In Leadpoint, turn right (east) onto CR#4720, also called Silver Creek Road (set odometer to 0). This road enters Colville National Forest and becomes FS#7078 (1.5 miles). Soon after the National Forest border, bear left uphill at fork staying on #7078. Turn right (east) on road #300 (6.2 miles). Continue to small trailhead at end of road #300 (9.8 miles). Road #300 is single lane and has a few ruts and bumps but is passable by passenger car.

From trailhead (reference at 0.0 mile), hike up to wooded ridge (1.4 mile). Turn left (east) and continue up to open south ridge and follow cairns to summit (3.2 miles). Scenic hike on the Pacific Northwest Trail (PNT) with excellent views of many ranges in WA, ID, and BC.

Round trip: 6.4 miles, 2400 feet gain.