Clark County High Point Trip Report
Date: July 2001
Author: Jon Mann
I noted the field closest to the road that stretches into the 1480 contour was a hay field that had been
recently harvested. I stopped at the farmhouse on the topo, and talked to the owner, a Gordon Richart.
He gave me permission to walk back. The fence lines shown on the topo are still there, and mark his property
boundary, and the intersection of the lines has a large oak tree growing there. The highest area seemed to be
about twenty or so feet into the field from the western fence line. I spoke with Mr. Richart before leaving,
and he confirmed that the area I picked out was the highest of all the surrounding fields, as he has watched
the water drainage patterns many times. Mr. Richart also told me a proposed high-voltage power line (I saw
many anti-power-line signs in the area) would go right over the high area, if built, and would also go so
close to his barn that he may have to tear it down. Of course, he is against it.
Trip Statistics: 20 min duration, 20 ft gain, 8/10 mile distance round-trip.