From: Roy Schweiker Full-Name: "" Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 20:07:53 GMT To: Subject: [prominence] Elephant Mtn ME (Roy) My quick LiDAR inspection shows the E peak at 3774 and the W peak at 3763, almost exactly the same as the 15' quad and the reverse of the newer 7.5' quad. This peak is on various p2k lists as well as the New England 100 Highest. I think the 11' difference is enough to hold up under more detailed evaluation so various lists should change the summit location. (Andy) Confirm all of Roy's findings. 7.5', 15', and LiDAR (attached) maps are at On the Elephant_Mountain_LiDAR.jpg image the NE contender has a red dot, the SW area (traditional HP) is at the lower left, and mapped 3 contour intervals lower. The contour interval is set to 1 meter. A real PITA for me, as I did not tag the NE contender when I was there in 2017. Conditions were wet and foggy, our GPS was pretty much dead leaving just a compass, and my companion was in no mood to bush wack through more Christmas trees. So I have more than enough excuses ... right ?? ...